Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Builder Not The Building...

If more people turned to the church out of their brokenness, or out of their sincerely seeking a healing and a change in their lives a lot more souls would be saved, a lot more chains would be broken, a lot more people would realize and utilize their gifts for the advancement of God's Kingdom. There would be a lot more focus on Him than on "them".

Every time some one finds out where I worship I get the *side eye* that has become associated w/the "Mega Church" but I've been worshiping w/ this church way before they were a Mega Church....I was drawn to the builder not the building! My faith is much much bigger than that, because I know many times when I was going through, and when I was literally at my lowest the pastor has delivered a message from the Lord that was meant just for me. When you go to God in expectation, when there is something eating away at you something that you haven't been able to find any earthly and tangible answer to or comfort for....THAT is God trying to get your attention.

So many people excuse themselves from the worship experience because of the people in the church and what they have done/said to make them uncomfortable, but are you there for them or are you seriously hungering and thirsting after what God wants you to know? If the church was a cheeseburger and you were starving would you not go get it because the the person serving it was mean, or over zealous, or an unwed mother, or an registered sex offender? What is more important? You being fed or you not dealing w/some one you deem as less desirable, and what about those times when we act in ways that are less desirable? What if God dealt w/us the same way we deal with each other?

Psalm 124:1-7 is dead on!

"If it had not been for the Lord on my side....where would I be? Where would I be?"