Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Builder Knows Best

There was this old house that was very run down and dilapidated.  The plumbing and heating didn't work. The wiring was a mess. The walls were rotting as well as the floors. And the foundation?  Well, let's just say, it was only by the grace of God that the old ratty house was even still standing.  So the owner decided,  it was time to tear down that abused,  damaged,  deserted and confused old building and start fresh, with a firm foundation.  The owner called on the only contractor she knew was capable of such a job. She was so eager to tear away all of the ugliness that had become the old building, that she didn't fight, or complain. She didn't even offer any suggestions,  just obediently did whatever the builder told her to do. She was so eager for change and renewal, that before she knew it, the old building was completely torn down and she could see the beginning of the foundation. See just that much sent her mind into over drive. She started to think and act as if the entire house was finished and completely furnished. She walked around speaking of her new house like it was the most grand place on earth, but, the builder knew better.  He saw the house for exactly what it was, a firm foundation. There was plenty more work to be done. Every time the owner would speak of her new home,  the builder would offer gentle reminders, "the plumbing isn't laid yet." or, "there are no walls" so the owner would calm down a bit but it wasn't long before she'd be all worked up again,  shouting about her new home and how wonderful it is. But, again, the builder would encourage her to remain humble "there's not even a door or a roof on this place yet."

The builder was patient, a very calming comforting spirit. He never got angry, or frustrated with her,  but he did open her eyes, so that she could understand that. it's ok to have forward vision, but not at the expense of knowing where you are and what you need to do, to get to where you want to be. He reminded her that it's ok to rejoice over getting rid of your old "stuff" and building a firm foundation for the house that will hold all the new stuff. However, it's most important to remain focused, so that the job gets completed.
Building your faith is exactly like tearing down your old house-- a place that's full of pain, anger, hurt, lies, deceit, secrets and turmoil-- and starting fresh with a firm foundation.  It's important to remember that the foundation is only the beginning.  It's exciting to grown in the knowledge of the Lord. Indescribable, the peace you feel when you truly realize that God is in control.  He knows what you need and He's providing for you. It's a powerful feeling. Being the fleshly creatures that we are, that's right where the enemy begins to tempt us. Remember, Satan tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness. Jesus never faltered.  He was tempted, but he stayed focused on the fact that he is, because God said so. It's the same way with us.

Don't think because you've seen evidence of God working in your life, that makes you better than those who are trying to find their way, or those who don't even realize they're lost. It simply means the foundation has been laid. You still have much work to do. You may have learned some lessons,  passed some tests,  that does not exempt you from being tested or tempted further and you're certainly not exempt from failing at either. Rejoice over the tearing down of that old house.  Praise God that you survived it. Shout because God is faithful and you can see that foundation. You can stand tall on it and know you won't fall through.  Be grateful (though walls still need to be built,  and floors need to be put down, and tests and trials will still come before these things can be completed) God is in control.

We are set apart, but we are not set above. God is the only one who sits high and looks low, and He sees all of us on the same level.  Never allow God's grace to cause you to take pride in things you could never have done on your own. In all your ways, acknowledge him and remember that with the same measure you use, "it" ( no matter what "it" may be, judging, condemnation, gossip, love, peace,  respect,  prayer) it will be measured to you. Make sure you're dishing out way more positive,  than negative because either way it will all come back to you.