Thursday, July 1, 2010

Courage....A letter to God.

Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

If I had the courage I would be what you sent me here to be.

I would stand up and walk in my destiny with proud, wide steps. Nothing and no one would be able to distract me from living the will of my father in Heaven.

I would lift my voice high and mighty to sing your praises and reveal the gift you placed inside of me.

I would be fearless if I trusted you totally. No care or concern with what man may say or how people may feel.

I would truly know what it is to be free. Living my life for you which would be living my in the best possible way.

You are the strength of my life? Whom shall I fear? Every thing, and every body, never fully accepting that I don’t have to be afraid.

Afraid of "alone" not realizing, that is exactly where you want me so you can fix me.  Grasping at, praying for, almost dying, for some one to love me the way I am so willing to love. 

Giving it away for free, when You sent Jesus to pay the ultimate price for my love. In return what I give amounts to nothing, yet you still forgive me, protect me, provide for me and love me.

You still comfort me, you’re always here. You are the one constant thing in my crazy life.

No matter how far I stray away you’re always there, reminding me that I have a greater purpose.

A purpose that does not include misery, self-pity, or self-loathing. Your imagination is much bigger than that. I need to learn patience, discipline, and focus.

I need to find that joy and peace that only You can give me. I’m not going to find it in meaningless physical relationships. That hasn’t sustained me. 

Yes, if I had the courage I would trust in you to bring me every thing I need,  so I can be everything you made me to be. 

If I had the courage I would never forget that you don’t make mistakes. Lord teach me to trust you fully not just when it's easy to do so. Give me opportunities to trust that you know what is best for me.

I couldn’t possibly want better for me than you do. I can’t possibly be better at taking care of me that you have been.

You said in your word the desires of my heart will be mine as long as my one and only desire is to serve you.

Teach me the strength to go forward with out fear and doubt. Teach me to keep my eyes on you not my circumstances.

Remind me constantly that ALL THINGS work to the good of them that love you and are the called according to YOUR PURPOSE.

Give me the courage to stop looking back and forget those things that are behind me.

Give me the courage to press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling which is in Jesus Christ. Constantly remind me of the courage you have placed inside of me. 

And grant me not only the wisdom to see through the enemies tricks, but the strength and courage to resist them. 



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