Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lovely Bones

I talked to a great friend today who pointed out to me that I've in fact lent my back bone to some one who is unable to utilize their own. There is something very much alive in me that always looks past peoples faults and sees right to the core of what their need is. I've been in this position time and time again and I've come to the realization that - yes this is my gift, but at the same time I'm not using as God intended.

The time has come for me to truly find and walk in my purpose. I believe that what God has for me is truly just that. Obstacles come, road blocks are built, but I have to remain upwardly mobile and limber enough to jump those hurdles, and maneuver around those snares God allows the enemy to place in my way. I've fallen many times but I've always managed to get back up and run on.

I could easily focus on the losses, the missteps, the red zone turnovers of my life but, I'm choosing to focus on the victories!!! I'm choosing to look at me through Gods eyes and see what he sees. Most importantly I'm choosing to believe that this too shall pass.

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