Friday, September 2, 2011

Dear Little Me...

i know i can't take away the pain in your heart.
i can't erase the things you now know or the things that shouldn't have happened.
i can only be here even in silence to comfort you and let you grieve

i can honestly say i know how you feel what you're dealing with is unimaginable
there aren't words to make it better but i'll always find love in my heart for you
i feel every ounce of the pain you do, and not because i choose to, but because i have to

you're a part of me.
you hurt i hurt.
what cuts you makes me bleed too
but i'm here
you're not alone

we share a bond in a lot of things but most importantly God.
we recognized Him in each other before anything else.
He'll give us both what we need always, for me to help you thru your painful times and you to hold me through mine.

i'm not afraid to face what ever may come because i know you believe in me.

its gonna be ok.
you'll heal.
i'll help you.
i'm here.
i love you.

love me.

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